Here's some top tips to make sure you get the best from your HorseQuest experience...
There are two different ways to browse HorseQuest - and we recommend trying them both. Here's why...
1. Browsing HorseQuest Categories
We would recommend browsing the categories of your choice first e.g Allrounders, rather than jumping straight to the search facility. Not only will this help you start to establish what you do and don’t like, and where you might want to adjust your brief, but also your perfect horse could be just 10 miles further away or one year older… So you could have ruled it out before you’ve even started!
Here's a quick video to show you the different features within the categories...
2. Using the Advanced Search Facility
We recommend using the search facility when you’re checking in daily to see what’s new, or when you’re on the go and short on time! Search HorseQuest >
Here's a quick video to show you where to find it, and how to use it...
Advert Reference Numbers - as you'll see from this video, all adverts have a six digit reference number, found in the top right hand corner of the advert. It's worth making a note of these references, as you can then use the search to bring up the advert.
Create a free HorseQuest account
It's quick and easy to set up a HorseQuest account, and here's why you'll benefit...
Add to My Stable - Your HorseQuest account includes a 'Virtual Stable' - so as you're browsing HorseQuest you can save adverts you like the look of, and then they're all in one place when you want to find them!

Email Alerts - Receive adverts that meet your search criteria straight to your inbox!

Set up a HorseQuest account today to make the most of these features!
And finally... Follow us on Social Media
We frequently post new adverts, competitions and offers on our Facebook and Instagram pages, so make sure you're following us to keep up to date!