Well what a busy couple of weeks it has been! Apologies for the slight delay on this blog, I wanted to wait until we had been out jumping so that I could tell you all about it. Both Buddy and Tottie have now stared regularly jumping again and since restrictions have been lifted we have made the most of it! From the beginning of January, I have really cracked down on their flatwork (Buddy especially) so that it could help me in the ring and it seems to have made a huge difference which Barrett also had noticed in my first lesson back.
Our first lesson back was definitely a hot one, but Buds coped really well and we both enjoyed ourselves. Barrett kept the jumps at a comfortable height for Buddy’s first jump in 3 months, as it wouldn’t be fair to over-do it. Buddy was a little strong, however that was to be expected because I think he’s missed it as much as I have! It always gives us something to work on and keeping a consistent rhythm has been we’ve struggled with in the past because Buddy is such a big horse and I’m quite petite, but the more practice we get the easier it will become (no more lockdowns please Boris!!) This lesson was funded by HQ, thank you!

On the Friday we took Tottie out to a pony club rally to get her out and about before we head to our first lesson back next week with Mia. Tots was SO well behaved considering she’s never been to anything like that before. I wore my HQ coat and she wore her rug. As I’m writing this we’re actually taking her XC schooling at our local venue this weekend. Make sure you’re following my Instagram @paigewilde.sj to see how it goes.

This week we took Buddy out SJ schooling at The Jays. Mum and I wanted to get him out on our own just so that we could pop him around some bigger fences prior to our first competition back which was supposed to be on the 13th but was unfortunately cancelled so is now on the 18th instead. Buddy was absolutely insane, and I’m really pleased with how he went considering it was his second time jumping in 3 months. He’s going to be such a cracking horse when everything comes together, and the HQ funding and lesson with William Funnell is really going to help us get there much quicker than we had imagined.

Next week I have my first competition of the year on both horses, which I will be vlogging as part of my bursary, and then I will do a small blog to update you all on how it went.

My goals from last month’s blog have all been achieved including the Distinction in my college assignment (go me!). I only have one goal for this month and that’s to get out and about as much as possible! I hope everyone is keeping safe and well, and my heart goes to all of those who have struggled with and lost their horses to EHV-1 out in Valencia.
Paige x
